Coaching Services

Looking to overcome shame or unwanted behavior? We can help! Check out our rates and services below.

I am currently offering one-on-one coaching in person and virtually through zoom. Workshops and speaking engagements can be done virtually or in person.

Not sure what option is best for you? Book a free consultation to discuss your options.


Our Services

  • Do you want to become the best version of yourself? This coaching option is a good fit for anyone looking to overcome unwanted behavior and rewrite the shame that is keeping your from being the person you want to be. Individual coaching allows us to dive into the particulars of your story so we can name and tame the shame that is showing up in your daily life. Let’s connect and help you live with greater clarity and purpose.

  • Would your organization benefit from an enneagram workshop? A half-day or full-day workshop could be the perfect way to introduce the Enneagram to your organization and help them begin their journey toward clarity and freedom. This option is customizable to fit the needs of your particular group or organization. Ex. Ministry context, retreat, recovery ministry, small business, etc.

Single Sessions

This is perfect for the client who wants to work on a session-by-session basis. Coaching sessions are 50 minutes and include resources provided by your coach (Worksheets, articles, videos, etc.)

Six Sessions Package

This package includes six 50 minute coaching sessions at a discounted rate, and resources provided by your coach. Customized packages can be discussed during your free consultation.

Twelve Sessions Package

This package includes twelve 50 minute coaching sessions at our highest discounted rate, resources provided by your coach, and a free 30-minute follow-up session. Customized packages can be discussed during your free consultation.

Workshop/Speaking Engagement Submission Form


  • Anyone who wants to identify the messages running the way you show up in the world. This will help anyone identify and rewrite the underlying motivations that are keeping you stuck so you can live with greater clarity and purpose.

  • No. Personal coaching is for anyone looking to improve themselves. I love integrating my faith into my coaching, but I treat every client respectfully and give them the tools that best fit their personal goals and desired outcome.

  • What is it costing you to stay stuck in your shame? Time, energy, being present with your family, a promotion, achieving your goals? Coaching is an investment in yourself. It may seem unfamiliar to invest in yourself, but it will allow you to spend your time and energy on the things that matter most.

  • No. Counseling is more focused on dealing with how the past is effecting your present while coaching is focused on helping you achieve a desired outcome. I am a certified coach with experience in recovery coaching, but I am not a licensed counselor. People can be in both counseling and coaching to improve themselves and live their best life. Our Free Consultation will be a great chance to determine whether your needs are a good fit for me as a coach or whether it would be more appropriate need for a counselor to address.

Book a Free Consultation

Start living your best life today. Book a free consultation and let us help you reach your goals.